Voss Shrine Sculpture

Voss Shrine Sculpture (SWTOR Decoration)

Voss Shrine Sculpture SWTOR decoration, screenshots and information!

How to Get a Voss Shrine Sculpture Decoration

Yes this item decoration can be bought on the GTN! but requires Reputation Rank to use Can be bought or sold on the GTN from other players but requires Reputation Rank to use
Reputation: Champion Rank with Voss Reputation, costs 1 Universal Prefab MK-3
Voss Shrine Sculpture Centerpiece Hook

Hook: Centerpiece (Giant Purple Square): The Voss Shrine Sculpture decoration fits into a giant purple square floor hook with beams of light.

Voss Reputation Info

Voss reputation and rewards can be gained by doing the Voss dailies and the Voss heroics, which can be started at level 48 or higher.

Voss Daily Guide

The Voss Reputation decorations cost Universal Prefabs, a crafted item, plus the correct Reputation Rank with Voss to use the item. The Voss Reputation vendor is located in a Cantina to the east on the same map as where you load in, but not near the landing area and not in the market.

Additional Info

Marked as being available from “Source: Achievements” but not seen in game yet. Seen once in an early housing video.

It will cost two Universal Prefabs to purchase and is slated for 3.3.

It might look something like this,


Have a suggestion or correction? Go to the Swtorista Website Discord and post your report in the #decorations channel. You will need to make a free Discord account.

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